Retaining near me made in China – replacement parts – Rings American Standard External 5100-600

Retaining  near me  made in China  -  replacement parts  -  Rings American Standard External 5100 - 600

Quick The product well displays environmental protection and energy saving. EPG major manufacturer and supplier of ball bearings and power transmission equipment. Since it’s beginning in 1992, EPG has grown into1of the leading suppliers in the industry. Key factors that have contributed to our growth is our dedication to the fundamentals of innovative design, competitive pricing, exceptional customer service, and product availability.Overview

1 – 162 – 5100 – 600 EPT® Part Number

71526 – EPT 02983 ( SKU No.)

External ANSI (Inch) Retaining Rings
6 inch Shaft Diameter (B)
5.745 inch Groove Diameter (G)
0.007 +/ – inch Tollerance
0.139 inch Groove Width (W)
+ 0.006 – 0 inch Tollerance
0.125 inch Ring Thickness (T)
0.004 +/ – inch Tollerance
5.631 inch Ring Diameter (F)
+ 0.02 – 0.04 inch Tollerance
240 Lbs/100
7.16 inch Diameter ( C)
105900 Lbs Thrust Load

Retaining  near me  made in China  -  replacement parts  -  Rings American Standard External 5100 - 600

Retaining  near me  made in China  -  replacement parts  -  Rings American Standard External 5100 - 600

Retaining  near me  made in China  -  replacement parts  -  Rings American Standard External 5100 - 600

Retaining  near me  made in China  -  replacement parts  -  Rings American Standard External 5100 - 600